15. Chaos Communication Congress HOWTO/FAQ 1.4
          --- ENGLISH TRANSLATION ---


15. Chaos Communication Congress
Berlin, 27.-29.12.1998
    1.1  What is the Chaos Communication Congress?
    1.2  Where and at what time is the Congress?
    1.3  At what time is it open? When do I have to arrive?
    1.4  Is the Congress something interesting for me?
    1.5  Can I help with the Congress?
    1.6  Press documentation
    1.7  Languages
    2.1  Traveling with the train
    2.2  Traveling with the car
    2.3  How do I come to the Congress in Berlin?
    2.4  Where can I find other people to travel with?
    2.5  Where can I find lodging ?
    3.1  Prices and preannouncment
    3.2  Prices for victualling
    3.3  Can I bring my Computer?
    3.4  Do I get an insurance for my stuff?
    4.1  Will there be internet on the Congress?
    4.2  How do I get an IP-address and a DNS-entry?
    4.3  What stuff does my computer needs for CongressNet?
    4.4  Wich services and protocols can I use on the CongressNet
    4.5  Are there behavior rules in the CongressNet?
    4.6  I want to build a WebCam. Is that ok?
    5.1  How do I get current Information about the Congress?
    5.2  How can I preannounce a projects for the Congress?
    5.3  There is a mistake in the FAQ
1.1  What is the Chaos Communication Congress?
The Chaos Communication Congress is a three day congress about
technology, society und utopy. The Congress offers lectures
and workshops about a lot themes around
information technology, computer security, internet, cryptography
and the critical-creative use of technology and
invites to public discussions about it.
In the Hackcenter everybody can operate his own computer in the CongressNet
to gain and exchange practical experiences (see 3.3).
The Chaosarchiv offers documents from the last twenty years
computer- and hacker history. There also will be a copier to make
your own private backups. The congress is a
meetingpoint of the hacker scene, but also for participants from
economy, politic und public.
The Chaos Communication Congress (CCC) is organized by the
Chaos Computer Club e.V. (CCC).
1.2  Where and at what time is the Congress?
This time the Congress is in BERLIN in the "Haus Am Köllnischen Park":
        15. Chaos Communication Congress
        27., 28. und 29. Dezember 1998
        Haus Am Köllnischen Park (HAKP)
        (Tagungszentrum Berlin-Mitte)
        Am Köllnischen Park 6-7
        10179 Berlin
The rooms provide much more space than the familiar Eidelstedter 
Bürgerhaus. Run over lectures and workshops should be the past.
Especially the new Hackcenter will be just for an assault like last year
and makes space for your projects (see 5.2).
1.3  At what time is it open? When do I have to arrive?
The entry is open from 9.00 am to 10.00 pm. The events are starting at 10.00
am and ending at 6.00 pm. At 7.00 pm the Workshops will be locked.
At 10.00 pm the entry will be locked.
From 9.00 am there will be breakfast in the Chaoscafe. 
The Chaoscafe provides hot food until 6.00 pm. After this time you can buy
snacks and drinks.
If somebody is bringing his own technic and wants to come early, he can come
from December 26th. (About bringing own technic see 3.3.)
1.4  Is the congress something interesting for me?
The congress is for all creatures in this galaxy with interests in
critical-creative uses of technology.
The congess is for freaks and beginners equally and provides for everyone the
right workshop or lecture. If you don't want to listen to any lectures or
don't want to go to any workshops you can stay in the Hackcenter for three
Some of the events are for beginner, a lot more are more advanced.
All events provide a lot interactivity. You are the Congress!
If you are interested in providing your own lecture or workshop,
please contact the Congress organisation team. (see 5.2).
1.5  Can I help with the Congress?
Yes! Wie are looking for Chaosangels the whole time period,
which are helping us with a lot of tasks.
As Chaosangel you won't have to work the whole time:
Just from time to time we will ask you to help us with something.
Chaosangel will have to pay less (DM 23) and get a Congress-Sweatshirts
(While supplies last). If you are interested please contact "engel@ccc.de".
1.6  Press Documentation
The Congress has his own independant press- and documentation office. 
The documentation office makes as much documentations about lectures and
Workshops as possible and makes them avaible for the press.
The complete documentation will be available on the CCC Web Server.
You can find more detailed information under:
1.7  Languages
Normaly all lectures will be in German. A translation service can't be provided.
Lectures and workshops from international participans will be mostly in
English. This will be marked in the Congress-schedule.
From our experiences, the number of international participans, especially
Europeans is not small. We expect participation from the
Netherlands, Austria, Poland, Tschechia, Switzerland and Hungary.
But also from French, Italy, Spain, Denmark and Sweden people said that they
are coming. There should be any problems with unterstanding because everybody
can speak English.
2.1  Traveling with the train
An easy way to get to Berlin over train is with the ICE from Hannover, Nürnberg
and Hamburg. Most of the trains stop in the trainstation "Zoologischer
Garten" in the west part of the city, as also in the trainstation
"Ostbahnhof" in Friedrichshain. The best way to plan your connections is the
online traveling-schedule:
If you directly want to go to the congress by train, you'll have to get of
the train in the railwaystation "Ostbahnhof" (if possible). There you take
bus #240 until you reach buststop "Heinrich-Heine-Strasse". From there it is
only a few meters to the HAKP. The bus is driving every 20 minutes (every 10
minutes in the buissines hours).
If there is no bus you can take the "S-Bahn" one stop until you reach
"S Jannowitzbruecke" and walk the rest of the way (100 meter).
If your train is ends in "Zoologischer Garten" You can take the U2 until 
subwaystation "Maerkisches Museum". From there it is only 100 meter to the
You can find maps under:
2.2  Traveling with the car
The easiest way to reach Berlin is with every freeway with brings you on the
"Berliner Ring (A10)". Depending on were you come on the A10, there are 
different ways to take.
TIP: If you don't know your way in Berlin you should get a _new_ Citymap
(if you yous an old citymap, you can not prepare of mistakes in cause of 
missing Berlin wall and renamed streets).
--- Over A24 or A11 (the direct route)
The best way is to take the A144 at the "Autobahndreieck Pankow"
(depature 32). After a few kilometers you reach the "Prenzlauer
Promenade", than over the "Prenzlauer Allee". Just straight on until you
reach the "Alexanderplatz". There in front of the "Forum Hotel" turn left,
right after this turn right and then left again.
Now your on the "Alexanderstrasse", wich leads to a "S-Bahn"-bridge.
Drive under the Bride into the Brueckenstrasse.
Than you turn into the second streed on the right (Rungestrasse) and right
after this you turn right into the street "Am Koellnischen Park". 
Here you are.
--- Over A2 or A9 (the scenic route)
From the west you are leaving the A10 at the "Dreieck Drewitz"
onto the A115 (Avus) in direction "Berlin Zentrum" (Berlin Centrum).
After a few kilometers straight ahead there will be a some kind of
freeway-sausage, where you first turn onto the A100 into direction Hamburg (!).
After a few hundred meters you take the depature "Kaiserdamm" and folow the
signs in direction "Kaiserdamm".
On the Kaiserdamm you turn left in direction east and then always straight
ahead in direction "Brandenburger Tor" (this is the most kompatible depature
for tourists :-) )		
From this side you can't drive throu the Brandenburger Tor directly, so that 
you have to make a "step" to the right, before you come back onto the big
street (wich is called "Unter den Linden"). More in the east after the old
"Palast der Republik" you have to turn into the "Spandauer Strasse".
Straight across the "Roten Rahaus" and across the next to street-crossings
onto the Stralauer Strasse until you reach the "S-Bahn"-bridge.
Throu the bridge and right after it you have tio turn right (throu the 
a bridge again) into the "Bruekenstrasse". Now you turn into the second
street on the right (Rungestrasse) and right after this you turn left into
the street (Am Koellnischen Park. Here you are.
--- Over A12 or A13 (the unspectacular route)
Comming from the A13 kommend you dont care about the A10 on the left side and
you directly take the A113 into Berlin. Comming from the A12, first you turn
onto the A10 and at the Schoenefelder Kreuz" you turn onto the A113.
After a litle while the A113 turns into the B96a (direction Berlin Zentrum).
This street is going straight ahead until you throw up. Follow it without
leaving it, until you drive throu a "S-Bahn"-bridge.
From there you still have to go straight ahead. The street is changing its
name several times: Puschkinallee, Schlesische Strasse, Koepenicker Strasse.
Lext to the end of the Koepenicker Strasse it crosses the
Brueckenstrasse/Heinrich-Heine-Strasse at the subwaystation 
Now you just have to go on driving for one more street and then you turn
right into the street "Am Koellnischen Park". Here you are.
2.3  How do I come to the congress in Berlin?
The subway station "U Heinrich-Heine-Strasse" (U8, Bus# 240, #265)
is just a few meters away from the HAKP and is the first choice to reach the
Congress easy and comfortable.
The stations "Märkisches Museum" (U2) and "S Jannowitzbruecke".
(They are few meters more away but you can still reach the event comfortable.
You can look for the schedules under:
2.4  Where can I find other people to travel with?
We can't help you with that but Thorsten Fenk made a page in the web where 
you can find other people to travel with.
(thaks for that). 
If your looking for other people to travel with you can look at:
If you have some space in your car, you can put your name in here:
If you can't find anything in there you can post a message in 
the newsgroup de.org.ccc

2.5  Where can I find lodging?
If you have a very small budget we are trying to find a very cheap lodging
but until now we got nothing for sure. 
We are still trying it and are sure that we will find something like in the
last few years.
In Berlin there are a few Backpacker-Hostels and cheap Hotels, which provide
one or double rooms for DM 22-38.
In those hotels you normally should get a room even if you are comming last
minute but the is a big interrest for those rooms while the Congress is
It's allway better to order the rooms early.
This list is sorted by the distance to the congress.
    Jugendgästehaus des DSJ (DM 38,50 a Person)
    Franz-Kuenstler-Strasse 4-10, 10969 Berlin (Kreuzberg)
    Tel +49 (30) 6151007, Fax +49 (30) 6146339
    Frederik's Hostel (DM 22-DM 35 a Person)
    Strasse der Pariser Kommune 35 , 10243 Berlin (Friedrichshain)
    Tel +49 (30) 29669450, Fax +49 (30) 29669452
    Circus The Hostel (DM 25-DM 38 a Person)
    Am Zirkus 2/3, D-10117 Berlin (Mitte)
    Tel +49 (30) 28391433, Fax +49 (30) 28391484
    Backpacker Hostel Berlin (DM 25-DM 38 a Person)
    Chausseestrasse 102, 10115 Berlin (Mitte)
    Tel +49 (30) 2625140, Fax +49 (30) 28390935
    Jugendgaestehaus Berlin (DM 32 a Person)
    Kluckstrasse 3, 10785 Berlin (Tiergarten)
    Tel +49 (30) 2611098, Fax +49 (30) 2650383 
    Lette'm sleep 7 (DM 26-DM 45 a Person)
    Lettestrasse 7, 10478 Berlin (Prenzlauer Berg)
    Tel +49 (30) 44733623, Fax +49 (30) 44733625
If you have more money there are some other cheap hotels.
In this list you will find the prices for a singe and a double room.
    Hotel zur Reichspost (SR 65, DR 90)
    Urbanstrasse 84, 10967 Berlin (Kreuzberg)
    Tel +49 (30) 6911035, Fax +49 (30) 6937889
    Good connection with U8
    Hotel Garni Am Anhalter Bahnhof (SR: DR 80)
    (4/5-bed-rooms for complett DM 40 a Person)
    Stresemannstrasse 36, 10963 Berlin (Kreuzberg)
    Tel +49 (30) 2510342, Fax +49 (30) 2514897
    Pension Kreuzberg (SR: DR 70)
    Grossbeerenstrasse 64, 10963 Berlin (Kreuzberg)
    Tel +49 (30) 2511362, Fax +49 (30) 2510638
3.1  Prices and preannouncment
At the congress you can take part as full-time or as single day member.
Journalists and buissines members recive a receipt and a full documentation
about the congess.
    Ideal Standard                              DM 42,-
    Students, social worker, annuitants         DM 36,-
    Members of the CCC e.V.                     DM 23,-
    Members of the SSD e.V.                     DM 23,-
    Chaosangel                                  DM 23,-
    Press                                       DM 75,-
    Buissines members                           DM 230,-
    Single Day
    Ideal Standard                              DM 20,-
    Students, social worker, annuitants         DM 15,-
Members of the CCC e.V. will be identified by our list wich will pe posted
at the entrance and wich includes all members wich payed their membership
until December 15, 1998. 
Members of the SSD e.V. will be identified by there membershipcard.
If you want to make a preannouncment/prepaiment, please transfer his money
until Dezember 12, 1998 to the banking account of the Chaos Computer Club e.V.:
        Kontoinhaber:      Chaos Computer Club e.V.
        Account number:    599090-201
        Routing number:    200 100 20
        Bank:              Postbank Hamburg
        Usage:             CCC98 "YOUR-NAME-HERE"
It is important that you bring your transfer-receipt, because without we
can't accept any prepayments.
Members of the SSD e.V. should preannounce theirselves over the SSD e.V.
3.2  Prices for victualling
Not like in the last few years, the victualling won't be in our hands,
but you will be able to buy food and coffee or sodas in the cafeteria to
student-compatible prices.
3.3  Can I bring my computer?
Yes. In the Hackcenter there will be enought space. Everybody can bring his
own computer and plug it into the CongressNet (see chapter 4).
All devices wich can't put into the pocket of your pants (Desktops,
Laptops, Screens etc. but not Cellphones, Pilots, ...) have to be registered
at the entrance. The only way to get those devices out of the building is
with a Congress-Badge.
Whoever wants to, can register a picture or an ID-number on his
Congress-Badge, to be secure with the Congress-Badge too.
The devices can be removed from the buildings wit hyour Congress-Badge in 
the maintime from 9.00 am to 10.00 pm. 
3.4  Do I get an insurance for my stuff?
All entrances to the Congress and to the Hackcenter will be watched and only
stuff on the device-list will be passed through. 
Devices can be only removed from 9.00 am to 10.00 pm!
But we still CAN NOT give an insurance for any devices or other stuff.
If you want to get an insurance, you will have to make an privat
electronic-insurance by any insurance-company of your choice.
4.1  Will there be internet on the Congress?
YES! All computer in the Hackcenter, the Workshops and 
eventrooms will have access to the internet.  
4.2  How do I get an IP-Adresse and an DNS-Entry?
Every member gets by interesst one (or more) IP adresses, wich will be valid
for the whole congress. This will be done after RFC 2322.
Additional you can get you can request an DNS A-Record under
hc.congress.ccc.de . So that you can run a Webserver or whatever under that
DNS-Entrys are only passed out for running systems.
Who comes first, gets first.
4.3  What kind of stuff oes my computer needs for CongressNet?
The CongressNet will be mostly provided over 10 Base-T (Twisted Pair)
wireing with RJ45-Jacks. Over Hubs you can make the required 10 Base-2
connection by your own, it is possible that there won't be 10 Base-2 avaible
everywhere. There will be only a limited number of Hubs.
Bring enought Cable and Hubs on your own and mark them with a sticker, 
with contains your name and your phonenumber.
Please think about that following stuff could be rare, so if you have any of
this in you company or at home please bring it with you.
     - Ethernet-Cabel (Twisted Pair/Koax) (!)
     - RJ45 Plugs
     - Hubs, Hubs, Hubs (!!)
     - Extension-Cables (!!!)
We want to provide 100 MBit/s connections as much as possible but we can't
garantuee for it.
4.4  Which services and protocols can I use on the CongressNet
In general you can use all Ethernet-compatible protocols inside the
network. So that you can, next to IP, also use AppleTalk, DECNET, IPX/SPX,
For the Internet-connection you can only use IP.
The connection to the internet is not filtered.
So if you want to life safty you will have to build your own firewall, but
the Chaos Comunication Congress is surly no place for sensible files on your
It is better not to have any sensible files on your disk.
If you want to read you mails out of the Congress-Net, you should encrypt
your POP3/IMAP4 or Telnet-Traffic (e.g. with SSH).
Take care of your passwords!!!
4.5  Are there behavior rules on the CongressNet?
Not really. In generell everybody should follow the Netiquette in the
CongressNet. A friendly behavior, also with the computer of your neighbour
should be normal.
Who thinks it is funny, to shut down or manipulate other peoples computer with nukes and
other mean stuff is riscs his own Ethernet-Card.
There is nothing to say against Hacksport, but everyone mean will get
answered the same way.
We want to ask everyone to keep down all speekers on an low volume.
4.6  I want to build a webcam. is that ok?
No, because in the HackCenter is no kind of photography allowed.
5.1  How do I get actuall information about the Congress?
You can find all information (including this FAQ) on the CCC Home Page
If you want to get the actuall FAQ as E-Mail subscribe the Chaos Update
To do this you send an E-Mail to:
You will get an automatic E-Mail wich you will have to answer again and
you are on the mailinglist.
5.2  Where can I preannounce a project for the Congress?
If you want to make your own Workshop or lecture, or if you want to assist
sobody, please contact "andy@ccc.de".
If you have questions about the organisation (no schedul), please contact

5.3  There is a mistake in the FAQ
All corrections and additions, please send to "tim@ccc.de".